Your Tree and Stump Removal Experts
There are many reasons to have a tree or stump removed from your property including creating new space, removing diseased and dying trees, unsightly stumps can be a hazard as well as an eye sore, planting new trees, trees threatening to damage property and so on. We have removed trees and stumps from all types of properties including homes, apartment buildings, commercial property, industrial parks and government land for all types of reasons and know the obstacles that come with a tree removal job. Getting the job done right and making sure that your property is cleared properly of all tree, stump and root issues is what we do on a regular basis. If you need a tree or trees removed from your property Joe’s Tree Care is here to help!

Each tree stump is different and may have a different root system to be assessed before removal. Unlike tree felling, tree stumps require specific strategies to ensure its removal is done safely and effectively. The procedure requires many steps, including risk assessment where we take a good look at your tree’s health to determine its likely longevity and need for removal. Depending on the type of tree, some woods may be easier to remove than others. Elm, birch, hickory, oak, and aspen are usually more difficult to remove due to wood density. Ground material also needs assessment. You may be dealing with rocks or clay which can add unique unseen obstacles to stump removal. You’ll also want to decide if you want the tree trunk chipped and taken off the premises completely, or if you want to keep the woodchips for personal use.

There are many ways to remove a tree stump. Stump grinding is a common way to remove tree stumps and is often preferred to doing a complete stump and root removal as it’s less time consuming and doesn’t leave a large hole. It does require heavy-duty professional wood chipping equipment and experienced operators. Tree stumps are often made of tough, thick wood that requires large chippers. We don’t recommend people try doing this on their own as it can be dangerous and ineffective. Machinery used can also cause flying debris, so a professional operator experienced with grinding is paramount. For any root removal, you’ll need to have good sense of local utilities that lie underground like pipes and wires.
Full removal, rather than grinding is often used when your ground needs to be completely clear for landscaping or future construction. Full stump removal is where other heavy-duty equipment comes in. Obviously for safety reasons it’s best to get an experienced technician who has used the machinery for years. Tree stump roots can be buried deep beneath the surface and travel wide, connecting with property or pipes that will need to be assessed. Holes left from stump removal can be covered back in with materials that encourage regeneration of soil and future plant or lawn health.
If a tree is small, then hand removal is possible, though it still may require difficult labor to uncover roots. Using a saw, ax and pick mattock are often necessary and machinery can aid to make this easier. Sometimes, if a tree is particularly tough, then chemicals can aid in the removal process. This is a longer procedure requiring an application of chemicals and time for it to seep in and affect the stump. Once the stump starts to rot and become spongy, it’s much easier to remove. Burning is another way a stump can be removed if done safely and usually only done if a property is inaccessible to tree grinders. For example, if the stump is located on a steep hill or rocky location.
Assessing the future needs of your property will aid in the type of tree stump removal you want. You may only need to remove surface roots or perhaps deeper roots will need removal if future construction and infrastructure are planned. Installing sprinkler systems or concrete foundations are examples of the construction that may require a root system removal.

Hiring a professional, like Joe’s Tree Care which is experienced in stump removal, will help get the job done safely and efficiently. We’re located in Pomona and service the greater surrounding area.
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Joe’s Tree Care
6180 Riverside Dr #C40,
Chino CA 91710
LIC #1076114
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We offer 24-hour emergency services